Theatre Audition Software

Developed for two local non-profit theatre groups, to help manage their season auditions, which sometimes drew hundreds of actors. Scoring, remembering, and casting four to six shows, with dozens of potential candidates for certain roles, can be very trying, especially at 3AM.


  • Actor Info - First, you need to enter information about the people who are auditioning. This screen-shot shows a version that was adapted for a Summer-stock company, where actors auditioned for the complete season, and could hold various positions in the company.
  • Score Sheet - Then, as they audition, you score them and tag them for suitable roles. Selecting an actor from the list on the right, by name or number, optionally filtered by time-slot, displays their information. Sliders are used for scoring; shows highlighted in beige indicate availability roles in light blue mean they are a match–by age and gender, using a simple fuzzy logic engine for age matching; green roles mean you have marked them as a candidate for a role. Mousing over a role displays extra details about that role, and extra “quick notes” can be selected from a customizable list. If the data is changed, the Save button flashes red to remind you to save it.
  • Evaluation Sheet - Finally, you look at who got the best scores, by role. When you select a role from one of the lists, the actor’s scores are evaluated, and actors who match age and gender criteria are displayed in descending order. If you want to see only actors that were marked for a role, you can do that as well. If you want to change the weight of the vocal, movement, or acting scores, there are sliders to do that. This lets you see how the order changes if you decide to emphasize dramatic ability over singing for a particular role (as an example). You can also select an actor from the list on the left, then click a box to drop them there for comparison. Mousing over an actor will display their quick notes in the list on the right.

Future Features

This software was developed for non-profit theatre groups, and all our time was donated. There is much more we would like to do given time and resources. The ability to print cast lists and enter actor bio’s are important items, as is making the system easy to customize for different groups. Sharing actor data for geographically-related theatres, and a shared database of shows are also on the to-do list.