VMPS Reviews

RM50 - Stereophile 2010
RM50 - Positive Feedback 2010 - Robert H. Levi (scroll to the middle of that page)
RM50 - Positive Feedback 2010- Roger S. Gordon (scroll to the bottom of that page)
RM50 - Positive Feedback 2011 - Robert Learner

RM V60 - Positive Feedback 2007

RM40 - Classical Candor 2009
RM40 - Bound for Sound 2004
RM40 - Bound for Sound 2003
RM40 - International Audio/Video Review 2002

RM30 - Positive Feedback 2007
RM30 - AudioReview 2006
RM30 - Audio Asylum 2006

RM30 - CES2006 reports
RM30 - Stereo Times Most Wanted list 2005
RM30 - Positive Feedback 2004
RM30 - Stereo Times 2004

RM2 - Listener Magazine 2003
RM2 - Letter from N. Dayron 2008

626R Jr - Enjoy The Music 2008
626R Jr - Affordable Audio 2008
626R (fully upgraded) - Positive Feedback 2004
626R - Positive Feedback 2003

Super Tower III/SRE - Audio Magazine August 1998
CES 99 Bound For Sound 1999
Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity 1999

Audio Asylum
Larger Subwoofer
Ribbon Monitor 2 Neo
Super Tower/R

Larger Subwoofer
Mini Tower IIa
Tower II SE