GRAMMY Winning Producer LOVES the RM2 SDE from VMPS
The e-mail below is printed with permission from GRAMMY Winning Producer
Norman Dayron, who has worked with the likes of Clapton, Howling Wolf, etc.
Hi Brian,
Thank you for the RM2 FST demo speakers you loaned me recently. I LOVE this speaker. I have been LISTENING to MUSIC ever since you put them in my house. I have NEVER heard piano reproduced so accurately and realistically before. Or for that matter, anything else: from full orchestra to intimate jazz vocals and instrumental music. The RM2 FST is a work of art. It is a close to perfect blend of brilliant design and superb technology.
I have produced more than 100 recordings over the last 40 years, worked in the best recording studios with the world’s best recording engineers, edited and mastered my work in the best mastering and editing rooms that exist: from London to New York City, and from Chicago to Los Angeles, and nothing I have ever heard, including some of the most expensive and elaborate speakers ever made, comes even close to what I can hear from the VMPS RM2 FST.
Listening to Artur Rubinstein’s 1962 and 1963 performances of Beethoven piano sonatas recorded in the Manhattan Center in New York City, and listening to his 1965 performance of Chopin’s Nocturnes recorded at RCA Italiana Studios, Rome, August 30 and 31, September 1 and 2, 1965 is a transformational experience. You can hear the distinct differences in two great, but very different sounding Steinway pianos. And much more importantly you can experience the full range of mastery, feeling, and emotion that distinguishes these performances. I have never before experienced the beauty- the unique and magnificent sound of these recordings.
It is like being there, and that is for me anyway, a weird and scary experience, when I reflect on it. Like not being in the world you think you know. Transcendentally off balance and loving every minute of it.
-Norman Dayron
Musician, Record Producer, and Grammy Winner