Tips on biamping the ribbon monitors
The VMPS Ribbon Monitors are designed for single or biamp operation.
With identical amps biamping is easy. Use both sets of Main outputs from your preamp (or use a high quality pair of Y-connectors to turn one set of preamp outputs into two) and connect an output to each channel of the bass amp, then do the same with the input channels of the mid/treble amp. Use the speaker level controls to balance the sound.
Biamping with non-identical amps, particularly solid state bass amps plus low-power mid/treble tube amplification, requires level matching by the mid/treble amp. Most tube amps have higher input sensitivity than solid state amps. It is advisable to use a mid/treble tube amp with input level controls. If your amp lacks such controls a passive input level control (also called a passive preamp) can be used in front of the amp inputs to match levels by turning down the mid/treble amp relative to the bass. If you do this, start by turning both controls all the way up (5 o’clock). Now hook up your bass and treble amps as described above and use the mid/tweeter amp level controls to adjust mid/treble levels relative to the bass.
Be sure to follow the instructions for bass damping adjustment once you have the relative levels set. With these
adjustments - bass damping, speaker level controls, and mid/treble amp level
controls - you should obtain well-balanced, clear sound in just about any listening environment, bright to heavily damped.